Today we’re going to be talking about a new business referral strategy that has brought us a ton of new customers using social media.
My team and I have been using this strategy to get more customers and teammates for our business.
The reason it’s working so great is because people put trust into word of mouth referrals through friends, family, and colleagues.
This attracts a high-quality client or customer who already trusts that your product or service is good because it was recommended. week since we’re talking about getting business referrals from your existing customers, I’m giving you My Referral Post Swipe File. This resource is full of referral post examples for you to make it easy for your customers to share their product experiences and generate more sales.
The 30,000-foot view of my business referral strategy
I want to give you the 30,000-foot view of how this business referral strategy works and what it looks like.
Here we go…
You have a customer who just ordered your product or service because they had a need or problem and your product offers the solution.
And after your customer purchases your product or service they are really excited.
We want to harness this excitement that your new customer has, and we want to harness it fast.
Social media is the best place to get business referrals
In a very excited manner, we let the customer know that the next step is to post a referral post on any of the social media platforms they currently use.
This way they just see it as part of the process.
So what we do is we create a referral post, that’s what we like to call it.
It’s really simple.
We create a post for them that they can share on their social media platforms.
The post is modified a little bit based on each individual new customer.
Every new customer has a different reason why they purchased our product and so will yours.
So before I create the post I’ll ask them a couple of questions.
Here are the questions I ask:
1️⃣ What did you like most when you saw the product before you ordered it? 2️⃣ How did you think it was specifically going to help you? 3️⃣ What are you most excited about for you once you get it and you start taking it or you start using it?
Once I get all the info from them, I put a post together for them.
Now, if I know that they’re social media inclined, I’ll ask them if they could share a selfie of them being really excited.
But if they don’t want to do a selfie or they’re not into social media that much, I’ll just create some sort of captivating image to use.
You always want to have an image because that helps you to become very visible in their newsfeed through their friends and their connections.
And to make it super easy for myself, I’ve created a template that I use so it’s really fast for me.
And then I just ask them if they can post it on their social media.
I’ll say, “Hey, can you post this on your social media to help us get more awareness for the product that you’re really excited about? Would you mind sharing your excitement with your people?”
Make this business referral strategy so SIMPLE a 6-year-old can do it
The next step is to let them know they don’t have to do anything at all.
All they need to do is upload the image to their social media platform…super simple.
From there on we help manage the post comments and questions ourselves.
This way they just sit back and relax.
But here’s where customers get even more excited about doing these business referral posts.
I let my customer know after they agree to put up the post on their social media that I can help them earn some credits towards their next order so that we can reduce the cost for them.
If they like the product and they want to keep ordering it this will be a no-brainer for them.
I will say that it’s a little different based on all sorts of incentives that each company may have with their products or your services but find a way to use that as a foundation for your new customers.
Now, what you’ll also want to do is train your entire team so that they can do the same thing with their new customers, essentially taking one customer and turning that one customer into many.
Takeaway: Make this as simple and non-invasive for your new customers as possible.
That’s the key takeaway here to making this work as well as it has for us.
Make it super simple for your customer so they don’t feel like they have to do any work at all.
In Closing
The power of the referral post is huge because when someone you know makes a recommendation and it’s based on their own experience it’s much more powerful than coming from somebody that you don’t know.
Make this a part of your process for your business and make sure your team is doing it as well.